HID Global R40 iCLASS SE® Reader 920NTNNEK00000
Contactless Smart Card Reader, Finished Reader, Wall Switch, Wiegand, Clock-and-Data, OSDP, Pigtail, Terminal Strip, Black.
Does not include installation. Please ask for this option if required.
Price is per 1 reader.
Part Number: 920NTNNEK00000
Please Contact Us for your Preferred Pricing and Custom Quotation
As part of HID Global’s iCLASS SE platform that is based on the Secure Identity Object™ (SIO®) data model and Trusted Identity Platform® (TIP™), the powerfully secure iCLASS SE readers offer advanced features such as layered security beyond the card media and tamper-proof protection of keys/cryptographic operations using EAL5+ secure element hardware.
Powerfully Secure – Provides layered security beyond the card media for added protection to identity data using SIOs
Adaptable – Interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™ and iCLASS SE® credential platforms, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™
Interoperable – Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) for secure, bidirectional communication
iCLASS SE Readers Datasheet (PDF)