Smart cards can be used to keep data safe
Encryption refers to using a confidential process to secure data or information. Encryption should be used by small businesses to protect their customers’ information as well as protecting their own data.
Investment News advises business owners, at the least, to keep their anti-virus software up to date. This prevents phishing spyware, keystroke-logging software, and other viruses from manifesting themselves in an organisation’s computer network.
The most common security breaches occur when a thief breaks into a business and steals hardware, like laptops and hard disc drives.
Smart cards may further help secure a business. Many businesses have traditionally hid their data behind passwords, but criminals can obtain passwords by using computer software or through employee negligence. Smart cards, especially ones that make use of biometric technology, can prevent that. The plastic cards and card printers needed to produce these IDs are inexpensive compared to the amount of damage caused by lost or destroyed data.
At DKC associates, we believe that, depending on your needs, you should consider a card with at least one security feature, to protect your company and your valued customers.
We can assist you with choosing the right security features, then the right card printer for the job. For help, please contact us at