December 04, 2014

We Offer Gift Cards for Your Business

It’s the holiday season; folks will soon be scavenging to purchase last minute gifts, for family, friends, and colleagues.

In today’s society, the number 1, (Yes number one) purchased gift over the holiday season are gift cards.

It only makes sense to include yourself in this growing trend!

ID Cards Canada offers a very sophisticated and comprehensive Gift Card / Loyalty Card Solution, that will allow your business to completely and accurately control all aspects of your Gift Card / Loyalty Card program, without ever paying any Transaction Fees.

It is an outstanding alternative to the transaction based Gift Card and Loyalty Systems, offered by large Credit Card Service organizations, and the Big Banks.

It is unique in the fact that there are never any transaction fees with our system.

You pay for it once, and you own it. It is as simple as that.

It is also unique in that we offer custom designed Gift Cards, no matter the quantity ordered.

You can order 100 or 100,000 Gift Cards, and we will provide them personalized for your business.

Our program runs on your PC or laptop computer, and aside from a simple magnetic stripe or barcode reader, there is no extra hardware to buy or lease.

The software will run on your POS system without conflicts.

We can get you your order of Gift cards up until one week before Christmas, act now and increase your sales revenue.

Some Facts About Gift Cards

  • Offering Gift Cards increase revenues, generating 2 - 10 times more sales
  • 75% of customers spend more than the value of the Gift Card
  • Gift Card purchases are up to 50% higher than average sales
  • Up to 21% of the funds put on Gift Cards are never redeemed


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